Something hit me tonight… throughout all of Morocco I have not heard a single swear word… a cussword(?)… expletive… Maybe nobody swears or maybe they’re using Arabic swear words that I can’t understand, either way, it’s like I have been living under a cone of silence. Sadly, it did not occur to me until I was eating a late dinner tonight. They happened to have an American movie playing on their tiny 13″ tv, mounted in the corner. It was a Sean Connery film and I was naturally glued and fixated… but after all this lovely filtered air, boy, it poked me in the eye pretty hard, repeatedly, f-bomb after jagged f-bomb…
I wish I could set my brain to mute specific words, like the edited, made-for-tv movies where certain words get bleeped out to please the FCC… someday that should be possible when we start inserting chips in our head… you could apply that to all sorts of likes and dislikes, keywords, tastes… maybe expand it to behaviors and even people… make it into a phone app… that would be sweet…