After a long drive from Texas and New mexico… I finally made it home… pulled into my neighborhood late tonight…. it’s a quiet and perfectly still ghost town… my sweet, fog horn, alarm-calls coming in from the jetty. My salty air. My white noise, wave maker. There is no one awake now. All the windows are blackened and asleep. No one here to greet me home or ask where the hell I’ve been. I’ve just snuck back in, exactly as I snuck out… invisible and off the grid… so lovely to be home…
As soon as I got in the door, it hit me smack in the face… like it always does… every time…. all these things that I have now lived without for so long. All the things I apparently do not need at all. One good thing about traveling and living out of a suitcase…. it’s easy to forget what you had before you left, and you forget why you ever needed any of it….