Jingle Bells, Cydney Smells

The shows are going well… every night Cydney’s set kills… some real jaw-dropping, tear-inducing, breathtaking moments… kind of knocks the wind out of me… and i get to feel this every night before I sing… it’s lovely…

We’re driving up the coast now towards Oregon… this is something very new to me: having someone riding along in the car… after being so used to traveling alone for so long… the past year of about 50,000 miles… alone…

I have this feeling that every time there is a bum, stinky smell coming in from outside, or when we’re driving through a roadkill skunk bomb, or cow fields, or anything awful smelling, Cydney thinks it is me… there are no words spoken, just silence… then i started thinking, wait, what if all these smells are hers…