On my way to Charlottesville, Virginia, I saw a sign for “Miller School” and urgently exited the freeway to check it out. It became a, sort of, treasure-map egg-hunt, and I kept getting further off the beaten path, following my own made-up detour compass and getting lost in the countryside. I finally found it… Miller School… pulled through the gates and up the winding road and the hill that led to the school… just a tiny, private school, buried in the quiet forest, tucked in amongst the tall trees.
In a clearing further up the hill, it seemed like bolts of sunlight were cutting through the clouds and shooting down a double rainbow… there it was… a proud and majestic row of busses, all lined up next to each other… a fleet of “Miller School” busses… short busses…. eureka!!
I got out of my car and just stood there with a giant grin on my face… I had found the Holy Grail…. I imagined an entire tour on one of those busses….. rolling into each town like the Partridge Family…. people applauding along the roadsides, waving and holding baskets of fruit and freshly baked food. An unrehearsed, all-volunteer Legion band (with horns and tuba) would be playing a hero’s homecoming theme song… everyone would be cheering and welcoming and throwing ticker tape confetti at the slow moving spectacle, like the circus was coming to town…