Brooklyn, NY….. Last night I got back at about 4am, and moved my car around the corner to the next block. It was street cleaning day later in the morning, so I felt pretty good about being so smart and pro-active and got a solid night’s sleep…
I woke up and packed all my bags, mentally prepared myself for my 10-hour drive ahead to Ohio and Kentucky… and went out to load up and….
gone… car gone. wait…. wrong street? wrong block? walked to each end of the street… no… car gone…
Called and checked with NYPD to find out it was thankfully (?) towed… not stolen…
I had apparently parked it in a bus zone… no curbs marked… no pavement markings… no signs… I was supposed to just “know”… spent the rest of the day trying to get it out of the impound/tow yard… more comedy and drama at the NYPD station… long lines (of city revenue) and stress, watching others getting denied their car, throwing tantrums at the bullet-proof glass windows, flying into uncontrolled rages… it was Friday, afterall… and getting closer to 5:30pm… and all I could think about was the possibility of not getting to leave with my car… and it being trapped all weekend…. and me having to cancel the rest of the shows of the tour…
I finally made it to the bullet-proof window, and indeed there was a problem… a big problem… I had no I.D. (it was in my car) but the nice NYPD lady told me about a loop-hole, a way I could get around the problem… somebody else in line could sign for my car… a kind gentleman and his granddaughter… I am still not sure why that lady was so kind and helpful to me after all the yelling in her face she just endured… but I got my car… got on the road… and drove all night… drove fast and far away from New York… the tour is not canceled! The show must go on…