I took a risk… this morning I woke up with only 58 dirhams in my pocket (about $7)… I needed to go get some cash, but I did not want to show up in Tangier with a big wad of money… superstitious perhaps, or maybe just more cautious than the last time I was here. So I chanced it. I walked to the train station (instead of taking a taxi), and climbed on the train to Tangier: 16 dirhams.
An hour later, it felt like the right stop, so I poked my head out and yelled to one of the officially uniformed train station officers… I might as well have lit myself and the entire train on fire. He and several others frantically rushed around me, hoisted me down and pulled me onto the platform as the train pulled away.
Apparently, I was on the wrong train going in the opposite direction.
I waited another hour for the next one returning in the correct direction… As I boarded, I got the equivalent of Moroccan high-fives from all the station’s staff… and a VIP escort that any handicapped person deserves = no extra charge.
Bathroom in Tangier station: 2 dirhams. Negotiated taxi to hotel, down to 30 dirhams… total spent: 48 dirhams, with 10 dirhams to spare… huzzah!