Stopping and Smelling the Roses

Wisconsin… getting to stay with my soul friends, John and Karen… and Rusty the dog… we went on a nature walk through the woods and down dirt roads, past grain silos and shaved corn fields, on golden pond, on up to neighbor Dan’s and into the hills and forest…. everything moves at a slower pace here. Slow enough that every little detail can be noticed. How a particular flower is blooming a week earlier than last year. How different birds sing their songs. Why the giant snapper turtles fight each other (and why you should never stick your finger near them). Knowing the history of the land and how the glaciers pushed through and had their way 10,000 years ago to make the valleys and swamp lowlands. Once we made it to the top of the ridge, we sat on a bench in a clearing where Indians used to hang out thousands of years ago. I could see across the entire valley and let myself get hypnotized.

Wisconsin Trees